Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Once Upon A Time
There was a lovely little girl who wanted more than anything to keep her father's love and the easiest way she thought she could get it was by pretending to love football. She pretended all right but then she started to love the game. Sixteen years later, she can't stop loving the game and hence the reason for this blog post.
My Name Is Paradox
And I Love Football.
Granted I may be female but trust me I have the right amount of testosterone for this. I really wanna make sense, I really do but the fact remains that to an average person, being a football fan doesn't even make any sense.
For record purposes, I want to state clearly that I am  a Manchester United fan, sometimes I support Barcelona, I like to watch Arsenal play(even though the trophy cabinet is gathering more dust than trophies) and as far as Chelsea is concerned, I still think of 'em as intruders but not to worry they got nothing on me.
I support a very successful team and I'm sure for some people that is the sole reason why I love the team. I won't lie, I love the success, I mean who wouldn't? but it goes way beyond that. Sometimes I ask myself why i am so into that team and this question bothered me so much that my final year project was dedicated to finding out what motivates football fans and I must say I ended up with more questions than answers but i got really valuable information.
Moving on, why are we fans so concerned about winning?Why are bragging rights so important to us?What exactly do we gain by watching football?Why do we usually get pumped up, excited and anxious when watching our favorite teams?I know I have dropped a lot of questions but do not panic, for possible answers, watch this space for Part Two of this post.
Until then,Comments are welcome.
Yours Truly,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen!
My Name Is Paradox and yes if you don't know the meaning of that word, its a noun which just means a statement that contradicts itself.Yeah I know what's on your mind but not to worry I am not psycho,I just admit that I have certain personality traits that are not supposed to go together but somehow I find a balance (Yay Me!) Basically, you never can tell with me except i want you to, please note that.
Now, where do I begin?
I started this blog on a whim and now I think I'm experiencing major writer's block but I'll try at least to impress y'all a bit.
P.S. This will be my 1st and last blog trying to impress anyone, I do not write to please.
This would serve as an introduction of some sort, at least you get to know stuff you dont already know about me (<<<---that is a lie).
While I still am the sole author of this blog, i plan to give my double sided opinion on issues that "tickle my fancy"(I do not like that phrase But it seemed to fit so....)
I will write about football,
I will write about music,
hell I might even write about sex but whatever it is I write about, all you need to do is read it and post your comments. Please feel free to "gbagaun" me anytime you like, I won't take offense(Yea,I'm cool like that...lol).
I will try to be as objective as possible but then again screw objectivity,My Name Is Paradox!!!
Yours Truly